Association for the Development of Information Technology and Innovations
The IT LAB Sarajevo is an Association for the Development of Information Technology and Innovations, it was founded in order to affirm, study, research and develop achievements in the field of Information Technology, Technological Sciences and Innovations. Our members are experienced professionals, but also young people and students, as well as non-established geniuses who have not yet appeared on the official stages …

IT LAB Sarajevo is committed to success, excellence and quality. We continuously an passionately strive towards learning, progress and improvement, towards innovations, on the wings of creativity, without limits.
IT LAB supports creative and inventive individuals in their educational process through various activities such as competitions, workshops, seminars, fairs and exhibitions. We promote innovations and innovators, organizing and connecting innovation creativity with the academic community, institutions, organizations and entrepreneurs.
IT LAB Sarajevo supports and initiates IT and innovation activities that are addressing relevant social and environmental challenges. We try to bring together workshops of activists, creatives, professionals, organizations, institutions and all individuals that are working on ideas or endeavours that create an innovative environment and influence positive social activities.
We strive to affirm and popularize information technologies and innovations among the general public, raising awareness of the importance, benefits, necessity and use of new technologies.
Our goal is to organize and participate in as many seminars, workshops, conferences, fairs and competitions in IT areas and innovations, with the aim of exchanging experiences and education, to be improving standards and knowledge involving as many students, pupils and experts as possible.
IT LAB Sarajevo: “Call to Bosnian Medical Personnel to volunteer to the United States for assistance with coronavirus pandemic”
„Call to Bosnian, Medical Personnel to volunteer to the United States for assistance with coronavirus pandemic“, launched by IT LAB Sarajevo, non-government actors, medical personnel, and citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has got an exceptional endorsement and support from citizens, various organizations, and the media.
IT LAB sarajevo has signed “Partnership statement” for joining “City Mind Lab” – team for “Smart Sarajevo” project of the city of sarajevo in partnership with the united nations development program (UNDP)
The City of Sarajevo, in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, started the Smart Sarajevo Initiative in 2018, to test and implement innovative tools for interactive urban planning and smart solutions in public services that suppose to improve quality of life, and stimulate the modernization of urban processes through the use of new technologies.
Learning Management System (LMS)
IT LAB Sarajevo is implementing a feasibility study on project of a modern Learning Management System (LMS), conducting a research use, implementation, conceptualization and technical functions.

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